Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Nun Cookies

In downtown Madrid just around the corner from Plaza Mayor, there is a secret door. It is not marked, it is just a door. But if you ring the call button, you may hear a voice. If you hear the voice and say "Dulces" or if you have more spanish vocabulary at your disposal -- you can say "I am here to buy Sweets". The woman's voice may then tell you --as she did us -- to come back later at 4:30. So we waited.

For an hour...And when we came back, we rang the bell. No answer... Again... no answer. Repeat upteen times. We were just about to give up. We were about to go home. Should we ring just one more time? We did. And the nun's answered. They buzzed open the door and told us to follow the signs. We went down the hallway and came to this turnstyle --
The nun's are not allowed to have anyone see them, so we could only hear their voices. They spun the turnstyle out with 2 boxes of cookies for us to choose from. Then we picked one and put our money on the shelf and turned it in for them to take.

Pretty fun... a little mystery makes cookies taste even better!

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  1. This is so interesting! What fun for the girls.

  2. Oh my goodness - the perfect European adventure!! The kind you only discover because you live there! I love it - a great and unique memory for all of you!

  3. Amy, what a great adventure for you and your family. I am still jealous. I loved the nun's that can't be seen that sell cookies.
