Thursday, February 24, 2011

What preschoolers talk about

So I'm driving the carpool to preschool. This consists of my Ava (4 almost 5), Kaia (5), and Karalee (3). Rock wasn't with us which was unusual... it was just the girls. They had such a funny random conversation, I just had to record it.

Background on the characters: Kaia has whiter-blond hair than Ava, big round eyes and acts like the mature mother of the group. Karalee is like a 3 year old from a cartoon. She loves Ava and thinks she is so cool. She also has a little high voice and is non-stop chatter. She had been talking about things her baby did for about 5 minutes straight and she just kept saying that she liked to throw-up all over and chew on shoes, and throw up and have stinky diapers... on and on with the same theme.

Finally Ava said, "Maybe we could talk about something else besides throw-up..."

Karalee: "Yeah." (as if someone else had been talking about it instead of her)

We passed by an area that has a large pond next to the road.

Ava: "Hey, there are sharks and crocodiles in that water!"

Kaia: "When we went to this park, I saw a crocodile this big (stretching out her arms) ... well, it was bigger than that."

Karalee: "I saw one in the water once too"

Kaia: "Maybe as big as this car."

Karalee: "That's big!"

Ava: "I've never seen a crocodile."

Karalee: "We saw one once and it was close to us."

Ava: "Did you get closer? Did you run away?"

Karalee: "We got closer."

Kaia: "They are fast though. Like -- zooom."

Ava: "Yeah. My sister is fast though... she can run faster than a crocodile. Faster than a car."

Kaia: "Wow. That's fast."

Ava: "Yeah."

Karalee: "I saw a crocodile and it was close to us."

Ava: "Did it bite you?" (in all seriousness)

Karalee: "No."

Ava: "Did it eat you?" (starting to tease)

Karalee: "No." (still serious)

Ava: (hiding a smile) "Did it have a beard?

(Giggles from all the girls)

Ava: (milking it) "Did it have googley,oogley eyes?"

(More laughter)


Karalee: "Now I'm going to tell a story about Belle the princess: "Once there was a guy named Gaston who wanted to marry this girl named Belle, but she fell in love with the Beast." Now let's talk about "Tangled."

Kaia: "Well, there is a mean witch..."

Some more random facts about "Tangled" by Karalee..

Kaia: "Yeah, I'd like to ride on the back of crocodile and see how fast it goes. Let's sing "Frosty the Snowman."

Which they started and trailed off because they couldn't remember after the first line.
Then we arrived at the school.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Blond from a bottle

Yes, I'm a natural blond. Um... at least that's what the bottle said.
'Natural golden blond'.
 I'm just here to say: Don't believe everything you read. I am now an orange-head.
Not even a natural 'carrots' like Anne of Green Gables.
Not bright enough to be 'punk'.
 Just a 'hair-dye-mistake' color.

As Nathan said: "It's not that bad. But it's not an improvement." Very democratic.

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Friday, February 4, 2011

who needs funny papers

Just a few gems from the kids:

Ava:  Mom -- did you know that those flowers we have out in the grass are actually "Tricera-plants?" and they eat the bugs in the backyard?  They suck them in down their tube.  They come in all different colors, but ours are purple.
Amy: Oh really?  Where did you learn about this?
Ava:  (pause) "Dinosaur Train."  (I don't think so :)
Apparently she told her dad this several times as well!  She was really excited about it.

Driving in the car... Nathan and Ava are talking about their shared birthday which is only 2 months away!  (By the way, Ava wants to go to the Eiffel Tower for her birthday  I told her I did too!)
Ava:  Dad, how old are YOU going to be on our birthday?
Before Nathan could answer, she answered herself: Oh yeah, 34.
Rock from the backseat: "I CANNOT BE-LEEEEE  IT!" (I cannot believe it-- as said by Quincy from Little Einsteins)
Perfect comic timing.

While I change the baby's diaper, Ava is cooing at India:
Ava: "oooh, little girl, you are soooo sweet, little sweetheart, yes you are little sweetheart!..."
From the other room Rock yells: "NO!!! CUPCAKE!" 
Ava continues: "Ooooh Sweetheart!"
Rock: "NO!!! CUPCAKE!"
Apparently, to Rock not all nick-names are created equal.

So, many of you may know that we live in a suburb of Houston called Humble.  What many of you may not know is that it is pronouced with a SILENT "H":  Umble.  I live in "hUmble", Texas.
No one is really sure how that came to be and I think many people would like to take a vote and put the "H" sound back in so as to not be so entirely "hill-billy" sounding.  Or maybe it is a french pronunciation? Doubt it. Anyway, Elle is reading her scripture during family scripture study last night and she says:  "And if you will but Umble yourselves...."  Never mind that she can read the words "destruction" and "Abomination" and "resurrection" perfectly.  Thank you hUmble school district for her education.

And one last funny:
We are eating dinner.  I made a pretty good taco soup and we were talking about it.  Nathan said he added a few drops of tabasco sauce and it was even better.  The girls know that Nathan likes hot sauce so they started brainstorming about how he should buy jars of jalapenos and hot sauce.  And then I said maybe he should go into business and open up his own "Hot Shop" with a selection of hot sauces. 
Then Ava said:  "Yeah.  And then not open it."
It took me a second but then I couldn't stop laughing at her logic.  If he opened the store he couldn't keep it all to himself.  So don't open it.  Maybe it's just funny to me. 

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Christmas and New Years in Houston

Christmas parties at school:

Christmas Eve at the Houston Zoo:

Texas Christmas Eve Dinner:  Tamales!

Christmas Jammies:

Christmas Morning:

 Rock's new soccer shirt from Grandma and Grandpa Pinegar was definitely a hit!
 Playin' the guitar like a rock star!

Days of December

  Elle's last Soccer Game.  She got to be the team captain that day AND she had some adoring fans!

 We went to a Christmas tree farm to cut our own tree.  The weather was beautiful, and the trees were beautiful and we had a blast!

Then of course it was time to decorate the tree at home.  We also hung some ornaments on our trees outside.  Rock loved driving around our neighborhood looking for "KRI-LIGH" as he called them.

Making Christmas decorations:
 Gingerbread house with Grandma!
Hanging out with Grandma and Grandpa!
 Wrapping presents!

Enjoying the tree! and the baby bundle underneath.

India's Blessing day

We were so honored to have both sets of Grandparents here for India's special day. 
India wore an 'antique' dress that was from Great Grandma Hazel Robinson's family. 
She was a little ivory doll.

Her dad gave her a beautiful blessing... some of the things that stood out to me were that he blessed her that she would be able to express herself well physically, and also he mentioned the word "hope" several times.  That she would have "hope" in the Savior, and be a source of "hope" for others.
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