Thursday, February 3, 2011

Days of December

  Elle's last Soccer Game.  She got to be the team captain that day AND she had some adoring fans!

 We went to a Christmas tree farm to cut our own tree.  The weather was beautiful, and the trees were beautiful and we had a blast!

Then of course it was time to decorate the tree at home.  We also hung some ornaments on our trees outside.  Rock loved driving around our neighborhood looking for "KRI-LIGH" as he called them.

Making Christmas decorations:
 Gingerbread house with Grandma!
Hanging out with Grandma and Grandpa!
 Wrapping presents!

Enjoying the tree! and the baby bundle underneath.

1 comment:

  1. Cutting down a tree in SHORTS! Girl, you could get used to that :) So could I. Ha ha! Love the baby bundle under the tree.
