Tuesday, March 15, 2011

March 9

March 9th is SUCH a good day!  We celebrate Nathan and Ava!
I always tell Ava the story:  The night before she was born was the night before her daddy's birthday. As we were going to bed, I asked him what he wanted to for dinner the next day and he said "Hospital Food."  Neither of us really guessed that his wish would come true -- but I woke up the next morning in labor! 
Here is a look at March 9th over the years:

2006 (Laguna Beach)
2007 (Austin)

2008 (Pflugerville)

2009 (Spain)

2010 (San Diego)

2011 (Houston)

We put 39 candles on the cake!  34 for Nathan and 5 for Ava.  She was so thrilled to be the birthday girl -- as you can tell from the ear-to-ear smile!  It was a fun day:  waffles and ice cream for breakfast, lunch in downtown Houston with Dad, and chocolate cake for dessert!  She woke up the next day and announced "Mom!  I'm still 5!"  She is lovin' it!  Rock is lovin' it too. 
 His most distinctly clear phrase that he says now goes like this: "It's my birthday tomorrow. I'm going to be 5!" 

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  1. happy birthday to both! that is a gorgeous little girl...and nathan is cute, too.

  2. Oh my goodness! Ava looks so different! It makes me sad she's growing up on me. Such gorgeous children you have!
