Monday, October 12, 2009

Another violin girl

Ava has started violin lessons and just received her 1/16 size violin this week!
Does she look happy enough?

Tonight Ava decided to be in charge of the family night lesson. She drew pictures and handed us each one, then she told us a story about Dora (weren't you going to tell us a story about Jesus? nope. just Dora), and then she wanted to play violins with Elle -- so they got out their violins and did some bowing on "A". She is pretty excited about it.
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1 comment:

  1. I love the tiny violin! I bet your lesson on Dora was very inspiring. Rock is adorable! The girls were looking at the pictures with me and they said, "Whoa! He's getting so big!" We'll have to come see you very soon before you take off!
