Wednesday, September 23, 2009

First Day of First Grade!

A little late posting this... we are now into our school routine. I don't cry all the way home from school everyday like I did that first day after dropping her off! She loves it. Weekends are "boring". And the minute she gets into the car at the end of the school day she says, "Mom, I can't wait for tomorrow!" So... there you go. Elle the First Grader!
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  1. Aw that's so cute that she loves school so much...hopefully it will last until she's out of college! Haha that's a loooong time. I just KNOW that she is the prettiest and smartest girl in the's in those pinegar genes. :)

  2. That's cute. I'm going to call one of these days to ask a few questions about what she's learning. Some of the things I'm supposed to be doing with Emma this year seem too hard and I'm wondering if other 1st graders are really doing them.

  3. Go, Elle! I can tell you're learning a lot by how you love school. Susan, Tia, Raymond, Boyd, and little Joseph miss you--and we wish we were there with you :-)

  4. What a cutie! I was reading some letters I wrote to Raymond while he was on his mission - still in the glow of LOVING school. Precious days . . .

  5. she looks so grown up! and adorable. hope she is loving school as much as sy is. love you.

  6. That's so great that she loves it so much! It looks like a nice small class. She looks so much like you in that picture!
