Saturday, February 5, 2011

Blond from a bottle

Yes, I'm a natural blond. Um... at least that's what the bottle said.
'Natural golden blond'.
 I'm just here to say: Don't believe everything you read. I am now an orange-head.
Not even a natural 'carrots' like Anne of Green Gables.
Not bright enough to be 'punk'.
 Just a 'hair-dye-mistake' color.

As Nathan said: "It's not that bad. But it's not an improvement." Very democratic.

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  1. Funny - the picture doesn't capture the orange somehow. It looks blond to me. :) haha Love Nathan's response. hahaha Maybe it'll fade to a nice color.

  2. BAH HA HA HA HA! Oh that's funny. The same thing happened to me only with my stylist! Not a bottle. She saw blonde, the rest of the world saw ORANGE. So I found a colorist and she tried to play it down by saying "Let's just call it a very very very very warm light brown" *cough* *cough* and then she highlighted my hair for a gazillion dollars but it was worth it not to be an orange head! :)

  3. it doesn't look bad to me...maybe even a bit strawberry blonde??
