Sunday, April 26, 2009

Rock and Roll

Our Rock is a Roller.
He has been practicing for a couple of weeks.
Finally he made it all the way. He is pretty proud of himself.

These other photos are just because he's cute.

Holding Ava's hand and liking it.

Holding his favorite Monkey.

Rock ON!
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  1. oh he is just so squishable! We hope we get to see you guys in Utah while you are there. We arrive on May 18th and will be there until we leave for Europe on the 25th. Love you guys!

  2. love him and want to eat him.

  3. Oh my gooooodness Amy...I just need to squeeze that baby right now!! I already love him and I've only seen pictures. I can't wait to meet him and overwhelm him with tons of hugs and kisses! My favorite picture is "holding Ava's hand and liking it" hahaha I love it.

  4. ACK! I want to SQUEEZE is adorable chubbiness.

  5. HIS adorable chubbiness (not is), sorry, his cuteness got me all out of sorts, can't even type straight!

  6. What an adorable baby he is!!! Those cheeks are just so cute.

  7. What a handsome little chunk! He does look like his sisters . . but I can see a resemblance to his dad. He's such an adorable little man - so excited to see him for myself!

  8. YES! I would love to take your pictures :) Please please! I'm so excited. We can work out a date as it get's closer but I will plan on June (would the 7th, a sunday work??) Let's chat. When do you get to Utah!?
