Thursday, February 26, 2009

Rock Talk

This is typical Rock. If he is awake he is smiling.
Actually, he often smiles in his sleep too!
(Please pardon the mom "goo-goo" voice)


  1. Boyd has now asked to play it twenty times. We love it. What a happy boy!

  2. Oh my, he is soooooo adorable!!! Thanks for sharing.

  3. I want to just squish him! (in a nice way :)

  4. OH Aunt Amy he is adorable!! I NEED to kiss those cheeks right now! I miss all of you guys so much. My mom tells me all the stories about Elle and Ava...they are hilarious. I can't wait to see you guys again. Give all your kids big hugs and kisses from thier cousin Paige. :)

  5. What a happy smiley baby! He's just so adorable. The kids were laughing and all thought said he was so cute. I liked your goo-goo voice, but hearing your voice again made me miss you even more!

  6. What a cutie! I can't wait to see him in person. I love those cheeks!
