Monday, November 3, 2008

Ava Means Bird

We were walking home from the bus stop, and Ava saw some small brown birds on the sidewalk. She started to worry "oooohhh. Those little birds are looking for their mama! Where is their mama?" And she looked up to the trees and sky, searching for their mom. They were not baby birds... but because they were little -- she assumed that they were in need of a mom. After looking around and deciding there was no mom in sight, she said "I know. I will be their mama. I will take care of them." Another pause. "As soon as I turn into a bird, I will be their mama."


  1. It sounds like both your girls want to fly! So darling!

  2. Well, you're close! Ave is a bird in Spanish so....Ava, Ave. Close enough right? hee hee hee
