In the morning she woke up and got dressed in her white button up blouse and wool jumper -- and had asked us all to also come to her birthday in nice clothes ("You can wear one of your black things Mama" -- I don't fit into many clothes these days. ) -- and we were each handed a "ticket" (a small plastic heart) to come to her party.
She saw all the presents I had laid out and the banner I had hung up -- and oohed and aahed.
She had also made a little sign where she printed:
"Happy Birthday turning 5" which she taped to a big stick from a pine tree we found at the park. and set it by the front door "so that people could see there was someone having a birthday in here!" (sad I don't have a picture of this!)
Then we had pancakes and fruit shake for breakfast. Nathan sang all the birthday songs he could think of and told her the story of when she was born.
Opened presents.
Then the girls played with the presents -- Elle got a music box from mom, and a Paris Eiffel tower (which we got in Paris) from dad, a pony from Ava... and some other nice things from grandma and grandpa.
Went to violin class (which took most of the day -- it is a long trek -- and the trains run further apart on Saturday) -- where the group class played Happy Birthday on their violins and cellos -- and sang 'Feliz Cumpleanos' to the birthday girl.
When we got home it was time to make the cake, and then -- THE PINATA! The girls were so excited about this! (I know, don't laugh, Elle and Ava and I made it -- It's a dinosaur egg).
We played some other games to Elle's request: Bowling -- with a plastic bowling set we have, and dance party! But when I started dancing with my big belly swinging around in front of me, she called it off... I'm serious.
Time for Elle's dinner: Asparagus soup, salad and fresh bread from the bakery, with butter.
The girls made necklaces and bracelets with a new bead kit Grandma sent.
Then CAKE. Elle wanted M&M's and whipped cream... and chocolate cake. It was pretty delicious. And a very fun day.
What a girl! We love our Elle -- but she's growing up way way too fast. Here is a little review of her over the years!
Day 1