2 things Rock is not easy going about:
1. The Vacuum. It is his pet. I am not allowed to have a turn. If I get it out, and he sees it -- he will not let me turn it off, nor will he allow me to use it the way I need to. He is pretty helpful and vaccuums for a little while, then he will just sit by it lovingly with it roaring next to him. When I finally put it away (in my mind I can just see our electric meter dial spinning wildly!), he cries and cries!
2. The Violin. If it is time for Elle to play the violin, he comes in a hurry proclaiming with all the energy of body and voice: "my turn! my turn!" He points under his chin for where I need to put it. I usually let him try it. I help him hold it and he actually makes a decent sound! I get tired of it long before he does. In fact I have never been able to stand there and hold it long enough... he still wants to play when I am ready to put it away. The other day, I was busy with Elle and didn't get to him. He took matters into his own hands. After we put the violin away, I heard it again somewhere in the house -- I followed the sound and found him on the couch playing it. Vivaldi in the making?