Here is the conversation I overheard yesterday:
Cinderella (Ava): "Look, Fairy Godmother -- I need a new dress!" (sob)
Fairy Godmother (Elle): "Oh, no you don't! I can fix it up... I'll just fix the sleeve."
Cinderella: "And I need some glass slippers!"
Fairy Godmother: "Yes, yes... well, here are your Sunday shoes... and tell the prince we have room for him in the carriage so he can just come back with you. Then he won't have to look for you."
Well, finally! -- a Fairy Godmother who is a problem solver! I always wondered why the magic had to disappear at midnight! Just mend your best dress, wear your Sunday shoes, and don't forget to have room in the carriage so the Prince can come back with you! Save all that hassle with the one shoe clue.